Know more about [Nas Daily] #Day1

Yenyen Lai
2 min readSep 13, 2020

Day 1: Flying from NYC

(Source: Youtube)

📍Day 1
📍Location: New York City 🇺🇸

This is the very first day of Nas Daily, introducing him and his grand plan in 1 minute.

Nas quitted his job at Venmo which known as a technology company that serving mobile payments service owned by PayPal, so that’s why he had so much Venmo logo t-shirt.

The narrator: “ Are you tryina get this to be awkward?”

Nas: “Maybe.”

For some people, what he did seem not just awkward but ridiculous so to speak, since he quitting his well-paid job and started to travel from NYC 🇺🇸, to Egypt, to Kenya, to Ethiopia, to India, to Nepal, to Japan, to San Fransisco, then back to his home in NYC 🇺🇸, basically is so-called “Travel around the world”.


“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.” -St. Augustine, Philosopher

「世界是本書,那些不旅行的人只讀了一頁。」-哲學家 聖奧古斯丁

I really felt that here’s a guy full of buzz and energy. And that’s why he caught my eye to want to know more about him. Even though he looked calm on the screen, I knew that he had all his plans prepared and got ready for the very first big step, which this decision turned him from a passionate young man into a great, world-famous, the Nas Daily.

🇺🇸 See you tomorrow.🇺🇸

More of my notes and reflects on Nas Daily’s videos are in:

— Yen’s Nas Daily Learning Note📝 —



Yenyen Lai

健行|遊牧|登山|徒步。 徒步成癮的登山系女子 and here is my blog :